GE considers the opportunity of extracting value from industrial Internet data so great that it has changed big parts of its business to take advantage of it. At the heart of this transformation are business models more directly aligned with their customers’ business objectives and a new, more inclusive partnership approach to delivering value.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Dave Bartlett describe why an IoT platform and ecosystem are required to provide the collaborative framework needed to enable multiple companies to jointly provide the outcomes that customers find most valuable ...

Although they are often named the same, the media layer of IoT networking consists of two separate parts: the radio to transmit the data and the protocol to exchange the data with the receiver. Important for many reasons including updatability. While the hardware can be in place for long periods of time, you can expect protocols to change every few years as exemplified by the 802.15.4 standard which is currently on version m.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Brandon Harris explain how to tune power consumption, bandwidth, range and cost to get the right sensor for your IoT application....

Episode 7

Meet IoT’s three layers of protocols… the media layer, otherwise known as the physical layer or radio, the network layer and the application layer. Important because they make up the network stack that transports data from the sensor to the cloud. Important because they are standardized.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Michael Richardson as he delivers a masterclass on everything you need to know about IoT’s three networking layers ...

Episode 6

In broad strokes, the software required for an IoT deployment can be grouped into four classes: embedded software for sensors and gateways, networking or the IoT platform (communication, rules and sometimes interpretation) data management & analytics and of course the IoT application.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Zach Shelby as we discuss the first class, embedded software for sensors or more specifically sensor operating systems and the inevitable evolution of these disparate classes into an IoT software ecosystem ...

Accenture identified IoT as a bona fide trend in its 2014 Technology Vision Report, with the thesis, the digital-physical blur is extending intelligence to the edge. So why has it taken 10 years for IoT to get its due respect?
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Prith Banerjee explain why Accenture thinks the real opportunity in IoT is in unconventional growth – top line growth. How new services/apps can be created when physical assets are digitized and how journey from a product company to a platform company is transformational ...

The Internet of Things is making available a variety of new business models. One that has the biggest potential to radically change the competitive landscape is the outcome-based business model.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to also hear Edy Liongosari’s thoughts on the similarities and differences between the RFID industry and that of IoT, one of the biggest issues in IoT security and the place of the Cloud in Iot ...

Episode 5

In part 1 we discussed the sensor selection process and the costs involved. If you haven’t listened to the last episode, you should but it’s not a prerequisite.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Scott Nelson where we finish talking sensor costs and move into sensor security, the untold risks when incorporating sensors and the expected evolutionary path sensor tech will take ...

B&B Electronics has been in the sensor game for over 30 years and is now helping companies connect their sensors to the Internet of Things.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to see Mike Fahrion explain the anatomy of the connected sensor and what to look out for when approaching this technology for the first time ...

An IoT platform is networking tech that collects and transmits data from and to remote devices and machines. It is often cloud-based and usually includes a rules engine for event processing and analytics apps to extract meaning and insights from what’s been collected.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to get Bryan Kester’s advice, earned from working in the trenches every day with customers deploying their Internet of Things ...