Episode 15

Getting an IoT project off the ground isn’t easy. It’s not just about launching a new product based on new technology, it’s the changes the organization must make to reach escape velocity.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Asaf Sadowski about the importance of creating an IoT proof of concept and the steps involved to get there ...

The biggest shift for traditional companies becoming IoT companies is transitioning into an Information Technology company. IoT technology isn’t plug ‘n’ play but it can be built. More difficult is changing a company’s culture to revolve around the information.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) for a primer on big data and the interplay between analytics, databases and cloud services ...

Episode 13

The AllSeen Alliance gets a lot of press but it’s still mostly misunderstood. For most its name is synonymous with home IoT but that’s only the first step in a broader vision that encompasses consumer, commercial, industrial and infrastructure IoT. It’s currently focused on home automation because that’s the current focus of its members. But this will change over time.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Philip Des Autels and his view of the Alliance’s future ...

Episode 12

No one company is big enough to provide an end-to-end industrial Internet of Things solution. Realizing this, ATT, Cisco, GE, IBM and Intel came together to found the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC). The end game however is not technology, but business – to understand what is needed to put together solutions that not only work well, but sell well.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Lynne Canavan, Stephen Mellor and Brian Dalgetty as we discuss the IIC ...

GE considers the opportunity of extracting value from industrial Internet data so great that it has changed big parts of its business to take advantage of it. At the heart of this transformation are business models more directly aligned with their customers’ business objectives and a new, more inclusive partnership approach to delivering value.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Dave Bartlett describe why an IoT platform and ecosystem are required to provide the collaborative framework needed to enable multiple companies to jointly provide the outcomes that customers find most valuable ...

Accenture identified IoT as a bona fide trend in its 2014 Technology Vision Report, with the thesis, the digital-physical blur is extending intelligence to the edge. So why has it taken 10 years for IoT to get its due respect?
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Prith Banerjee explain why Accenture thinks the real opportunity in IoT is in unconventional growth – top line growth. How new services/apps can be created when physical assets are digitized and how journey from a product company to a platform company is transformational ...

The Internet of Things is making available a variety of new business models. One that has the biggest potential to radically change the competitive landscape is the outcome-based business model.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to also hear Edy Liongosari’s thoughts on the similarities and differences between the RFID industry and that of IoT, one of the biggest issues in IoT security and the place of the Cloud in Iot ...

Episode 5

In part 1 we discussed the sensor selection process and the costs involved. If you haven’t listened to the last episode, you should but it’s not a prerequisite.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Scott Nelson where we finish talking sensor costs and move into sensor security, the untold risks when incorporating sensors and the expected evolutionary path sensor tech will take ...

By Bruce Sinclair
But, however amazing the bling of the tech or the perceived size of the opportunity are, it’s the business of the Internet of Things that must first make sense and its business that must get out in front of the hype, otherwise we run the risk of technology or marketing being the tail that wags the Internet of Things ...