Bluetooth Tag

Although they are often named the same, the media layer of IoT networking consists of two separate parts: the radio to transmit the data and the protocol to exchange the data with the receiver. Important for many reasons including updatability. While the hardware can be in place for long periods of time, you can expect protocols to change every few years as exemplified by the 802.15.4 standard which is currently on version m.
Watch this video (or read the transcript) to hear Brandon Harris explain how to tune power consumption, bandwidth, range and cost to get the right sensor for your IoT application....

Episode 7

Meet IoT’s three layers of protocols… the media layer, otherwise known as the physical layer or radio, the network layer and the application layer. Important because they make up the network stack that transports data from the sensor to the cloud. Important because they are standardized.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with Michael Richardson as he delivers a masterclass on everything you need to know about IoT’s three networking layers ...